
Showing posts from June, 2024



A Tiger in the Zoo - G 10

 Key Points This poem contrasts a tiger when it is in its natural habitat and when it is imprisoned in a zoo. On a starry night, the poet sees a tiger in a zoo. The tiger moves slowly up and down in his cage The  tiger is full of rage but is quiet in his helplessness. The poet is moved to pity for the tiger The poet says that the tiger should have been in the jungle.. But sadly the  tiger is locked behind bars in a concrete cell The tiger does not take any notice of the visitors The tiger is no longer free to move in his natural habitat​ Explanation of stanza 1 The tiger moves up and down of his cage. The stripes on his body are of strong bright colour. The tiger moves quietly on his velvet pads. He is full of rage but is quiet. (because he knows that he is helpless here.) Explanation of stanza 2 Looking at the imprisoned tiger, the poet  is filled with pity. He says that the poor tiger should have been in his natural habitat. Then at this point of the night ,he would have been lying i

The Sound of Music - Part II

Key Points   From Pungi to Shehnai: The shehnai is not a direct replacement for the pungi, but rather an evolution. The pungi, with its shrill sound, is believed to have inspired the creation of the shehnai. A court musician (not necessarily a barber) is credited with refining the pungi's design, resulting in the sweeter-toned shehnai. The name "shehnai" itself suggests its connection to the royal court ("shah" meaning emperor). Ustad Bismillah Khan: A Maestro's Journey Ustad Bismillah Khan, a shehnai maestro , began his musical journey at a young age, around 3 years old. He honed his skills in various temples of Varanasi, singing devotional songs ("bhajans") and practicing the shehnai. His life embodied simplicity and religious harmony , evident in his practice locations. Rising Star and Global Recognition: Bismillah Khan's breakthrough came with the inauguration of All India Radio in Lucknow in 1938, providing him a platform to showcase his

The Sound of Music - Part I

Key Points: Evelyn Glennie's Inspiring Musical Journey Overcoming Obstacles: Despite losing her hearing at a young age, Evelyn Glennie's passion for music persisted. Even with discouragement from teachers, she found a supportive mentor in Ron Forbes. Unique Approach: Forbes trained Evelyn to perceive music through vibrations, opening her body and mind to a new way of experiencing sound. Dedication and Success: Through hard work and determination, Evelyn excelled at the Royal Academy of Music and went on to win the prestigious "Soloist of the Year Award" in 1991. Global Impact: Evelyn's career flourished with international tours and a demanding schedule. Beyond that, she shared her gift through free concerts in prisons and hospitals. Role Model: Her achievements transcended disability, becoming an inspiration for people of all abilities. Evelyn's story demonstrates the power of perseverance and the ability to achieve greatness through unique perspecti

Moments - 2. The Adventures of TOTO - Ruskin Bond

  S. No. Words Meaning 1. Tonga A two-wheeler carriage used in rural areas  2. Trough A long narrow open container used for holding animals food 3. Wicked Slightly cruel but intending to upset anyone 4. Beneath Under or below something 5. Sparkle To shine brightly 6. Delicacy Something pleasant to eat 7. Scoop To pick up 8. Shred Something that has been torn 9. Blazer A type of jacket 10. Fastened Attached, joined or fixed 11. Messy Refers to disorder or untidiness 12. Ornamental Decorative 13. Wrench To pull something suddenly and violently 14.